
4th meeting of the EU-US Trade and Technology Council

Article European Law | 30/06/23 | 3 min. |

Life sciences & Healthcare Propriété Intellectuelle

The fourth meeting of the Trade and Technology Council – TTC), launched on June 15th, 2021, was held on May 30th and 31st, 2023 in Luleå, Sweden. This was another opportunity for representatives of the European Commission and the US administration to take stock of current collaboration and priorities for consideration (conclusions available at

Two discussion panels were held, on Furthering the Green Transition through the Transatlantic Marketplace, and on Perspectives on Large AI Models.

Following the recent G7 meeting at which the issue of AI regulation was addressed, the TTC also made this a key element of its conclusions, deciding to launch three expert groups working on terminologies, taxonomies, standards and emerging risks, focus on generative AI systems, prioritize certain areas where artificial intelligence can play a role in serving the public good, in order to address global challenges in the fields of climate change, natural disasters, healthcare, energy and agriculture

As a reminder, the TTC serves as a forum for the United States and the European Union to coordinate their approaches - or, to put it less diplomatically, to talk things through and iron out certain difficulties or misunderstandings - on key global trade, economic and technological issues, and to deepen transatlantic trade and economic relations based on shared values. Ten working groups, co-led by the relevant departments, agencies and services of the European Commission and the US government, have been set up. These working groups focus on:

  • technology standards;
  • the climate and green technologies;
  • secure supply chains;
  • security and competitiveness of information and communication technologies and services (ICTs);
  • data governance and the regulation of technology platforms;
  • misuse of technologies threatening security and human rights;
  • export controls, investment screening ;
  • promoting access to and use of digital technologies by SMEs;
  • global trade challenges.
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