At the Crossroads
of European Issues

August Debouzy Brussels

About August Debouzy – Europe

European legislation creates as many opportunities as it presents risks, whether legal, financial, or reputational. Our lawyers at the Brussels bar help you capitalize on the former and protect you from the latter.

Digital transformation, green transition, compliance and reporting duties: all organizations need to adapt to changing EU legislation. We help you navigate this « Brussels effect », protect your interests, and seize opportunities.
We focus on highly regulated sectors Whether your operations are based Europe or elsewhere, they are inevitably subjected to the ever-changing EU regulatory landscape. At August Debouzy, we will accompany your teams with issues such as the integration of ESG criteria, the digital and ecological transition of your company, the adaption of your business model to industry-specific or general regulations and more.
Your challenges match our expertise See more
  • IT, Data Protection & Cybersecurity

  • Patent Law

  • ESG, Duty of Care & Human Rights

  • Environmental Law

  • EU & National Litigation

  • Competition Law

  • State funding

  • Intellectual Property, Media, and Art Law

  • International Sanctions

  • International Business Law

  • Consumer Law

  • M&A

  • Private Equity

  • Restructuring Operations

  • Financing

  • Tax law

  • Real Estate and Construction

  • Commercial and International Contracts

  • Employment law and social security law

The Law – a strategic asset
To navigate the complexities of the European Union, to contribute to the regulator’s thinking, and to ensure that your voice is heard, our lawyers in european law stand by your side:
Anticipate the risks and opportunities associated with European regulations that can impact your activities, products, and services.
Build stakeholder maps and decipher the legal, political, economic, and social factors influencing decision-makers.
Participate in legal, regulatory, and legislative debates in Brussels, Paris, and Member States.
Advise on the legal, regulatory, and legislative debate in Brussels, Paris, and Members States, and contribute to the usefulness of future regulations in line with your objectives.
Act before the European Court of Justice and national courts to challenge European decisions and, where appropriate, national legislation that is contrary to EU law, and/or to resolve potential conflicts in standards.
Assist you with any investigation linked to a regulator or public authority compliance process.
Define effective stakeholder engagement strategies to deliver messages that are consistent with your R&D, commercial, and legal vision in Brussels, Paris and beyond.
Our Dedicated Team

Based across Paris and Brussels, our « European Law, Regulatory and Public Policy » team brings together lawyers with expert knowledge of the European regulatory, compliance, and litigation frameworks.

Our experience at the highest levels of government, public institutions and the private sector, enables the provision of strategic, operational, and creative counsel. We can articulate and deliver the best approach to serve your objectives. 
We assist over 1,000 clients on these issues each year; our expertise of EU law and institutions is unmatched. 

The EU lawyers team can draw on our wider internal resources, as required for each case. 

Because the EU relies on constant dialogue between Brussels, member states, and industry, we are also able, at any time, to activate our partner network in Europe and the US.

  • Emmanuelle Mignon
    Emmanuelle Mignon Partner - European and Public Law, Public Policy
    Emmanuelle Mignon, a former member of the Conseil d'Etat, France's highest administrative court, joined the Public Regulatory Affairs department at August Debouzy as a partner in February 2015. By June 2023, she had established and co-led the firm's Brussels office.
  • Marc Mossé
    Marc Mossé Senior Counsel - European and Public Law, Public Policy
    Marc Mossé spent many years as an in-house senior lawyer for multinational corporations. He specializes in EU regulation of the digital economy. He is an Associate Professor at the University of Aix-Marseille, and the Honorary President of the French Association of In-House Lawyers.
  • Bernard Cazeneuve
    Bernard Cazeneuve Partner - Conformité old
    Bernard Cazeneuve, former Prime Minister and Minister of European Affairs of France, focuses on compliance and international regulatory issues. He brings extensive knowledge of business ethics, and governance practices.
  • Pierre Sellal
    Pierre Sellal Senior Counsel - European Law and Public Policy
    Pierre Sellal pursued a 40-year career as a diplomat before bringing his unique background to strengthen our strategic European work. He spent the majority of his diplomatic career working on European affairs, having also served as France’s Permanent Representative in Brussels.
  • Nicolas Baverez
    Nicolas Baverez Partner - Public and Regulatory Law
    Nicolas Baverez is a partner in August Debouzy's Public Regulatory Environment team. Before joining the firm in January 2023, he headed the public economic law, competition and public-private partnerships teams in the Paris office of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher for 18 years.
  • Florence Chafiol
    Florence Chafiol Partner - Data Privacy
    Florence Chafiol advises major players of the digital economy on all legal and strategic issues relating to innovative tech projects. She has established a highly regarded practice in the field of personal data, including GDPR compliance and cybersecurity.
  • Astrid Mignon Colombet
    Astrid Mignon Colombet Partner - Aeronautics & Defense
    Astrid Mignon Colombet is a partner at August Debouzy specialising in White-Collar Crime - Investigations. Astrid has over twenty years of experience in handling complex and high-profile criminal defense cases (Concorde crash, Erika oil spill, AZF explosion, bribery of foreign public officials, transnational negotiated justice and laundering of tax fraud).
  • David Zygas
    David Zygas Counsel - European and Public Law, Public Policy
    David Zygas conseille ses clients sur leurs questions réglementaires et de droit européen. Il dispose également d’une expérience importante en arbitrage et contentieux des affaires, développée dans différents cabinets d’avocats internationaux
  • Olivia de Fouchier
    Olivia de Fouchier International Business Development Manager
    Olivia de Fouchier is our International Business Development Manager. She has experience working within and around EU institutions, both in advisory and project management roles. Her international experience in the United States and Europe provides her with valuable expertise to effectively support lawyers and their clients, regardless of their industry

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