Article Patent Law | 03/04/24 | 10 min. | François Pochart Océane Millon de La Verteville Sabrina Ajili
In anticipation of the forthcoming release of the WIPO 2024 Annual Report, Carsten Fink, Chief Economist at WIPO and Head of the Statistics and Data Analysis Division at WIPO, unveiled on March 7, 2024[1] , some statistics on the 2023 global filings of intellectual property rights.
After a record year in 2022, it has been announced that the total number of international patent filings via the PCT system worldwide was 272,600[2] in 2023, down 1.8%[3] on 2022's filings of 277,632.[4] China, the world's largest filer, saw a very slight drop of 0.6%, with 69,610[5] PCT filings in 2023, compared with 70,017[6] in 2022. The United States, in second place in the world rankings, recorded a very sharp 5.3% drop, with 55,678[7] PCT filings in 2023, compared with 58,823[8] in 2022. Finally, Japan, the third-largest filer, will register 48,879[9] PCT filings in 2023, compared with 50,351[10] in 2023, a significant drop of 2.9%. The drop in PCT filings in the USA and Japan is almost enough to explain the worldwide decline in 2023.
Reversing this trend, France is one of the few countries to show a growth in the number of international filings: the country recorded an increase of 2.0%, from 7,761[11] to 7,916[12] PCT filings.
On the businesses’ scene, the ranking of the largest applicants reveals contrasting extremes[13] : the Huawei group alone filed more PCT patents in 2023 (6,494) than all UK applicants combined (5,587). It is therefore logical to find Computer Technologies (27,276) and Digital Communications (25,124)[14] at the top of the list of technologies with the highest number of PCT applications worldwide.
What accounts for this drop in international PCT filings?
At the press conference, Carsten Fink explained these figures: "We believe this reflects the current unfavorable environment for innovation and entrepreneurial activity".[15]
WIPO Director General Daren Tang explained that "rising interest rates and economic unpredictability have affected innovation in 2023".[16]
In this way, economic players, anticipating difficult economic times, or investing less in R&D, may decide to avoid certain international applications. Filing fewer PCT applications may also reflect a desire on the part of applicants not to anticipate or invest in a global market, in order to concentrate on their national or regional markets.
It is, however, relevant to assess the general trend on a larger time scale. We have done this in the tables below for seven countries - China, the USA, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Germany, France and the UK - based on data made available online by WIPO.[17]
Other figures are relevant for further analysis:
In conclusion, it is worth putting the figures announced by WIPO into perspective with a more local view and remaining optimistic as WIPO's Director General states that "despite these short-term declines, long-term trends show that the use of intellectual property is steadily increasing in an increasingly globalized and digitized economy, and is spreading around the world as economies develop".[18]
The complete 2024 annual report is scheduled for release on May 2, 2024.[19] We will be sure to keep you informed! To be continued...