
August Debouzy pursues its development in it with arrival of Nicolas Quoy as counsel

Communiqué | 29/05/18 | 1 min. |

Nicolas Quoy joins August Debouzy as counsel in order to participate in the development of the Technologies – Media – Intellectual Property group composed of more than 25 lawyers and managed by Mahasti Razavi.

With a doctorate in intellectual property from Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas (1998), Nicolas worked for 13 years at the law firm Baker & McKenzie as local partner, then for more than 6 years as legal director for the Business Unit Enterprise Services at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise, before joining August Debouzy.

With this dual experience, Nicolas has developed in-depth expertise in complex international IT contracts.His background as a lawyer, then as corporate counsel, and his vision both on the user-client and provider sides enables him to work in an advisory role and in litigation for all issues involving new technologies.

A German speaker, and having worked for one year as a researcher at the Max-Planck Institute for Intellectual Property and Competition Law in Munich, Nicolas is quite accustomed to working internationally (in particular when he supervised the legal activity of the Business Unit Enterprise Services for France, Italy, Spain and Portugal at Hewlett-Packard Enterprise.

We are delighted that Nicolas is joining our firm.His ability to understand and anticipate the challenges for all of the stakeholders allows him to position himself as a key interlocutor with our clients”, declares Mahasti Razavi, managing partner.

I am extremely enthusiastic about joining August Debouzy and to be able to participate in the development of its Technologies – Media – Intellectual Property department.The team’s dynamism and both his technical and pragmatic approach to dossiers are assets that particularly won me over”, says Nicolas Quoy.

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