Communiqué | 17/04/18 | 3 min. |
For the 8th consecutive year, the Club des Jurists and August Debouzy organize the Olivier Debouzy Prize:honoring the famous lawyer, the legal-ideas “agitator” prize recognizes an off-the-wall, original or subversive legal production.
A founding partner of August Debouzy and member of the Club des Jurists, Olivier Debouzy was an eminent lawyer known for his freedom in tone, his cultivation and humor.It was to honor this audacious and often provocative personality that, in 2011, the Club des Juristes created the Olivier Debouzy Prize.
Who will be the legal-ideas agitator of the year?The legal community has the role of designating candidates.Authors themselves or readers have the role of proposing candidates.Legal professionals, professors, students:all of them have the possibility of presenting particularly innovative writing that has enriched their thought.
Articles, dissertations, books, videos, podcasts, blogs, websites, MOOCs, etc.:regardless of the medium, the prize recognizes the author of a legal publication in French written over the past 12 months.
To participate or sponsor a legal-ideas agitator:
Complete the candidacy application by clicking here, and send it accompanied by two copies of the medium chosen by May 12, 2018.
Or by email: prixdebouzy@leclubdesjuristes.com
Or by letter: Le Club des juristes – Prix Olivier Debouzy – 4, rue de la Planche 75007 Paris
About the Olivier Debouzy Prize:
The Olivier Debouzy Prize recognizes the legal publication that has marked the legal world over the past 12 months and which has provided an original, off-the-wall or subversive vision.It was created in 2011 to honor Olivier Debouzy, founding partner of August Debouzy, an expert in strategic issues and former member of the Club des Juristes, deceased in April 2010.Known for his freedom in tone, his cultivation and humor, Olivier Debouzy and his work inspired the creation of this prize, dedicated to recognizing the legal-ideas agitator of the year.
Previous prize-winners:
2017 prize-winner: Armelle Le Bras-Chopard for her book “Les Putains du Diable: Procès des Sorcières et Construction de l’Etat Moderne” (The Devil’s Whores:Witch Trial and the Building of the Modern State), published by Dalloz.
2016 prize-winner: Jérôme Michel for his book “L’Affaire Martinot or Prométhée Congelé” (The Martinot Case or Frozen Prometheus), published in the JGDJ collection, Lextenso Editions.
2015 prize-winner: Fabrice Defferrard for his book “Le Droit Selon Star Trek” (The Law According to Star Trek), published by Editions Mare & Martin.
2014 prize-winner: The collective book “Deals de Justice – Le Marché Américain de l’Obéissance Mondialisée” (Justice Deals – The American Market of Globalized Obedience), published by Editions PUF, under the direction of Antoine Garapon and Pierre Servan-Schreiber.
2013 prize-winner :Christophe Jamin for his book “La Cuisine du Droit – L’Ecole de Sciences Po :Une Experimentation Française” (The Kitchen of Law – Sciences Po School:A French Experiment), published by Lextenso Editions.
2012 prize-winner:Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer, philosopher and jurist researcher in international law with the Faculty of Law of McGill University in Montreal, for his book “La Guerre au Nom de l’Humanité” (War in the Name of Humanity), published by Editions Presses Universitaires de France publications – PUF, and prefaced by Hubert Védrine, former Foreign Minister.
2011 prize-winner:Emmanuel Jeuland, Professor at Université de Droit Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne, for his book “La Fable du Ricochet, Approche Juridique des Liens de la Parole” (The Fable of the Ricochet, Legal Approach of the Relationships Between Words), published by Editions Mare & Martin in the Law and Political Sciences collection.