
August Debouzy strengthens its expertise in technology licensing with the arrival of Philippe Lanet as Counsel

Communiqué | 13/09/18 | 2 min. |

Philippe Lanet joins August Debouzy as Counsel to participate in the development of the licensing activity, especially in the telecom field

Prior to joining August Debouzy, Philippe Lanet was Head of Licensing and Deputy Chief IP Officer of Technicolor. He was in charge of the licensing strategy in order to optimize the return on investment in research and development of the Technicolor group. He has prepared and launched new licensing programs, negotiated strategic alliances, Research and Development partnerships and participated in M&A transactions. Philipe Lanet is an active member of the Licensing Executive Society (LES).

Philippe Lanet previously worked for Alcatel in the creation and development of the group's licensing business; on this occasion, he negotiated many international licensing agreements in telecommunications. Before joining Alcatel, Philippe was a patent engineer at Essilor International.

Engineer, from the Ecole Supérieure d'Optique in 1993, Philippe Lanet is also a graduate of CEIPI patents and obtained a Master's degree in Business Law from Panthéon-Assas in 2000.
Philippe is certified EuKTS expert 2017 and IAM 300 IP Strategist 2017.

" With the arrival of Philippe, we are further strengthening our licensing business, and we will benefit from Philippe's expertise to best defend the interests of our clients and to identify new revenue opportunities for them. Our firm will not only be able to respond optimally to contentious issues, but also develop patent valuation strategies," says Mahasti Razavi.

" I am very happy to join August Debouzy to participate in the development of the licensing activity within the Technologies - Media - Intellectual Property Department. The dynamism, innovation and pragmatism of the team are essential assets to offer innovative solutions to August Debouzy's clients in an increasingly complex licensing environment." says Philippe Lanet.

About the Intellectual Property Technology Media Department

Composed of 18 experts and 8 european representatives, bringing together attorneys and intellectual property consultants, the Intellectual Property Technology Media Department has a transverse approach to all legal issues of intellectual property. For AUGUST DEBOUZY immaterial assets are the decisive stake of the valorization of the companies and deserve an optimal protection, the test of time and conjunctures.

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