Communiqué | 07/09/21 | 2 min. |
On September 7, August Debouzy officially created the first legal think tank dedicated to the legal implications of positive transformation of the economy at an event co-presented by Mahasti Ravazi, the firm’s Managing Partner, and Delphine d’Amarzit, Chairman and CEO at Euronext Paris. At this inaugural event, AD Positive opened its in-depth reflection with a debate on the theme “CAC 40, ESG, Euronext ESG 80: welcome to the age of responsible capitalism.”
Witnessed by 150 lawyers and ambassadors for the project, August Debouzy revealed its commitment to this initiative, unprecedented on the Paris market, which aims to make corporate law the principal ally for companies and directors wishing to pursue a responsible, sustainable transformation of their economic and organizational models.
The PACTE Law marked the swing toward changing business models, requiring companies to demonstrate their social utility, which is now key to their economic competitiveness. Faced with the need to reconcile superior performance with positive impact, companies are having to reinvent themselves root and branch. This change is not without consequences for rights, new obligations, and the responsibility borne by companies and their directors. It is also a source of uncertainties and new disputes, and engenders new laws and regulatory efforts.
As a well-placed observer of these changes and of their legal and regulatory implications, August Debouzy wants to lend all its expertise to its stakeholders, to help them successfully negotiate this transition.
At the inaugural event, Olivia Grégoire, Minister of State for the Social, Inclusive and Responsible Economy, attached to the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and the Recovery, gave her backing to AD Positive, which is a place for debate, meeting people and assimilating these new challenges. It is open to employees, clients, and indeed anyone involved in this transition, whether closely or at a distance.
“AD Positive accurately reflects our wish to take our place at the forefront of these changes. At August Debouzy, we are convinced that the law has a crucial role to play in meeting these new challenges and that we need to reflect on these topics. With their customary nerve and know-how, our lawyers stand ready to support our clients’ new aspirations,” says Mahasti Ravazi, Managing Partner at August Debouzy.