
Spring-summer 2024: priority to the Olympics Games at the 3rd chamber of the Paris Court of 1st instance ?

Article IT and Data Protection | 19/05/23 | 2 min. | Océane Millon de La Verteville François Pochart


The 3rd chamber of the Judicial Court of Paris is considering an organization dedicated to the litigation of the Olympic Games, between mid-May and September 2024.

In his speech on January 24, 2023 at the opening ceremony of the Paris Court in the presence of the Minister of Justice Eric Dupond-Moretti, Stéphane Noël asked for reinforcements in view of the preparation of the Olympic Games[1]. This request concerned mainly criminal matters but, as one could expect, the civil divisions of the Court should also be involved in the extra workload caused by the Games, especially since the judges of the civil divisions will be lending a hand to the correctional divisions. 

An adaptation is indeed necessary to manage, within the deadlines imposed by the event, the litigations related to the Olympic Games, in particular in connection with trademark rights. The availability of the court for these litigations is a real stake of these 2024 Games.

Beyond the date of the judicial vacations brought forward to June 24, 2024, it will be necessary to adjust the schedule of hearings, for example, for the period from May to September 2024. It would be possible not to schedule any hearings, particularly pleadings, during this period, except for summary proceedings.

One can only praise the will of the 3rd chamber for such an adaptation which should contribute to the success of the 2024 Games.

The final outlines of this adapted activity are still being worked on by the presidency of the Court in coordination with the Paris Bar. An official announcement should be made soon.

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