
August Debouzy assists Look Up Space in its seed round fundraising

Communiqué M&A | 22/06/23 | 0 min. | Julien Wagmann François Richard

August Debouzy advised Look Up Space, a startup founded by Juan Carlos Dolado, former head of the CNES space surveillance department, and General (2S) Michel Friedling, former space commander, which raised €14m, including (i) €7m in private funding, making it the second largest seed round in Europe for a Space Tech and the largest to date in France, and (ii) €7m in public subsidies as part of France 2030 and the French Tech Seed.

Look Up Space is now positioned as a key player in Europe's New Space and aims to become a world leader in space security. This round of financing will enable Look Up Space to develop its "SORASYS" space surveillance radar demonstrator and its "SYNAPSE" multi-source data fusion and processing platform by the end of 2024.

August Debouzy assisted Look Up Space with a team comprising Julien Wagmann (partner) and François Richard (lawyer).

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