
August Debouzy assisted Alsid in connection with its second investment round led by Idinvest Partners

Communiqué Private Equity M&A | 18/04/19 | 0 min. | Julien Wagmann Laure Khemiri

August Debouzy advised Alsid, a company specializing in cybersecurity, in connection with its second investment round of €13 million. The lead investor in the round was Idinvest Partners, together with historical investors: 360 Capital Partners and Axeleo Capital.

The new investment round will allow Alsid, already present in France and Hong-Kong, to pursue its international expansion and to extend its market coverage, particularly in Asia.

Founded in 2016 by Emmanuel Gras and Luc Delsalle, Alsid was part of the Start You Up legal support program set up by August Debouzy and raised its first €1.5 million in 2017.



August Debouzy advised Alsid with a team headed by Julien Wagmann, partner, and Laure Khemiri, senior associate, within the Corporate department.


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