Brussels Office
in person (at Square de Meeûs 35 - Brussels) or online
The CSRD directive, complemented by the first delegated act of the European Commission based on the work of the European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG) and defining the European sustainability reporting standards (ESRS), requires certain companies to collect, process, and disclose a significant amount of relevant information on how they integrate social, environmental, and human rights issues related to their activities.
In the forthcoming second session of our series, we will focus on the implementation of the CSRD and the ESRS. This session will also scrutinize corporate liability issues and the legal risks associated with climate litigation.
Keynote Speaker: Fredré Ferreira, Senior Technical Manager at EFRAG
Expert Panel:
Michael Wagemans, Head of Sustainability, KPMG
Steven Mulkens, Executive Director, KPMG
Jørgen Hanson, Sustainability Manager, HYDRO
Please note, this session will be presented in English.
Buffet lunch will be served.
This event is over.