From rules to compliance

Supporting you over time thanks to our global approach to compliance

Compliance, or the new societal responsibilities of a business, are trends that are contributing to the emergence of a new imperative: to “respond to contemporary ethical requirements”.

This new way of looking at ethics is intrinsically linked to a new view of compliance, one that is more strategic, more sustainable, more cross-disciplinary and which extends to all forms of existing “rules”, whether legal or societal.

The legal rules, including the Sapin II law, the duty of vigilance, the GDPR and anti-corruption and anti-trust laws, are undergoing intense development in France and internationally. “Societal rules”, in the form of concepts that have become essential for a business’s activity and its attractiveness, such as CSR, purpose, and societal commitment, are becoming part of the body of rules to be observed.

Faced with this extended compliance covering all areas (financial, fiscal, social, environmental, technological, etc.), our approach is to look beyond the restrictive definition of compliance to elevate it to a voluntary, strategic effort that creates value and protects the business.

“The power of being ethical” becomes one of a business’s trump cards. With this belief as its founding principle, our Business Ethics team can give you global and cross-disciplinary support.

Respond to contemporary ethical requirements

Défi de la norme à la conformité

A unified and cross-disciplinary approach using all our expertise: litigation, business crime, anti-corruption, personal data, cybercrime, competition, financial/stock market, public/regulatory, tax, employment, insurance, etc.

Taking a strategic and cross-disciplinary view, transforming constraints into advantages for businesses, and responding to requirements while maintaining operational performance.

A strategy that is central to our approach, whether at the organizational stage (identification of risks and prevention) or at the defense stage (inspections and prosecutions).

Auditing a business’s compliance mechanisms to check that they comply, taking account of anticipated trends and evolution of the rules: anticorruption, GDPR, tax, CSR, environmental, competition compliance, fundamental freedoms, etc.

Structured and cross-disciplinary assistance in project mode, putting the emphasis on de-partitioning requirements to ensure the consistency and effectiveness of the mechanisms ultimately put in place: anti-corruption plan, compliant governance, GDPR compliance, whistleblowing procedures, crisis protocol, internal regulations, delegations of powers, information systems, etc.

A mechanism supplemented by in-house training (in person or online) to apply the new rules internally. 

In the event of inspections and prosecutions by the French Anti-Corruption Agency (AFA): assistance with the drafting of replies, in interviews during on-site inspections, etc.

Support for businesses in their relationships with the various authorities, and particularly with the National Financial Prosecutor (PNF), and in the preparation of a remediation plan that is sufficient to ensure their compliance. Our trump card is our advanced knowledge of the workings of administrative bodies, public authorities and European institutions.

Consideration of the evolution of the legislation concerning compliance and ethics, as expressed by our lawyers. We wish to shift the boundaries of ethics and compliance, bringing public and private entities together around new initiatives. 

Specific, dedicated support for public entities and establishments to set up and supervise their compliance policies. Compliance and ethics are now becoming central issues for public businesses, which are subject to new legal, and above all, societal requirements (reputation, media approval, etc.).

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